Friday, September 10, 2010


Welcome to the blog for all of us to post our prayer requests and life updates and such. I'll start...

I've been sick for 6 days now and am prety much over it. It went from fatigue, to sore throat, to congestion, to a cough and I'm pretty tired of it. Also I'm strugling to find a routine with work and school. And Luke and I had a good talk a few weeks ago about his religious beliefs. Turns out he doesn't really realize that God loves him as an individual and he can't find biblically where it says we're called to be in a relationship with God. Needless to say I've been praying a lot.

Okay. I'm going to go lie down now.


  1. Hey Toni! Thanks so much for starting this. And thanks for the update on Luke. I am praying for you and him! I love you and I hope you can get some good rest!
    Love, Michelle

  2. Praying for you Toni... feel better soon! :) Love, Amanda S.
