Friday, September 10, 2010


Prayer Request Huh? Well, I'm about to hit the road and I'm beyond excited because I NEED to get out of the office. Here's where that's at:
1. Amber is there now which is WONDERFUL, however...
2. John is crazy and it's sort of painful to watch her having to adapt to the unhealthy craziness that he breeds. I know it's been hard for her and it's only been three days!
3. Things are still weird with the whole transition of having new job responsibilities and the stress is minimal but annoying non the less.
4. I HATE that Colin's gone. Like I hate it really bad. I learned in the past two days that currently I hate how well we worked as a team and how 'in the beginning stages' working with Vanessa and even Amber is. I miss the comfort of working with Colin which sort of makes me realize that it's good in a way that he's gone because I'll grow from this. That said, it still SUCKS. Never thought I'd miss that dude this much.

Other than all that work is fine. Oh Michelle! You sort of missed it, but Nathan's back. It happened a week or so after you left and it all sort of happened so fast that I'm glad I can just tell you the whole story now instead of the drama element along the way.
The short-ish version is that Nathan has gone this whole time without payment from David. David finally confessed that he doesn't plan on paying Nate and that he in fact owes David money. (Lies!)
So...after much consulting Nathan finally decided to leave, but to confront David first. That's when we all started praying because David doesn't usually handle things like that all. I kept praying that David would let him go like Pharoah let Moses go. And he did! Oh, he was mad, but in the end he let Nate go and even helped him. Talk about a miracle! So great.

Oh, and weight loss is going well. I've lost 5 pounds since you left for Japan - two of those were this past week. That also means I'm now 157...putting me at the smallest I've even been in my adult life! This is a whole new territory! So pray that I keep up the good habits during travel season which begins on Monday.

I'm really glad that we're doing this because now we can even keep up with each other when I'm on the road! I Love you all!


  1. Hey Lis, I am so glad to hear about Nathan. Where is he living? With your Mom? Praise the Lord.

    Good job on the weight loss!! I have lost 5 pounds since being here in Okinawa because they eat so healthy here. It's good because I was at the highest end of the weight bracket for my height. But I still need to work out and get in shape.

    I am glad you are seeing work as an opportunity to grow, but that is really hard and sucky! I'll be praying for you. Transitions with work are never much fun. (I am kind of glad that I don't work at Lincoln Park anymore just because this year was going to see some drastic changes.)

    Love you tons, and thanks for keeping me posted. ; )

    Love, Michelle

  2. Lisa, I am SO glad that you get to go to California next week! I hope that that time is really uplifting and refreshing for you. I will continue to pray for things at work, and hope that things will get better soon. :) Love you, Amanda S.
